So here's another fun way to engage students in their English, but in a language they universally share--Technology. This free web tool allows students to create their own animation and record their own audio into the video. All they need is a computer, headphone/microphone headset, and an internet connection!
It is an easy, point-and-click 6 step process, that produces a product which can be shared. Students love it because it's fun and funny; Educators love it because it fosters engagement and generates a process that has students speaking and recording several times...
practice makes pronunciation!
See how non-native speakers practice their pronunciation, pacing, and articulation with this fun, FREE (just create a login) tool!
CLICK here to see an example video!
Now get animating...try it in your class today :)
Got lots of ideas. Thanks much. I might need to pick your brain when school begins. I think the networking is the most powerful tool that we have not the technology itself.