Monday, June 28, 2010

ISTE Birds of a Feather Session, Bloom's DIGITAL Taxonomy

Now, let’s regroup and further network with others in the room. Together, let’s take a look at the widely distributed article Bloom's Taxonomy Blooms Digitally,  by Andrew Churches.
  • Track how the innovations you’ve just reviewed stand up to this taxonomy.
  • Discuss how language instruction fits in with this revised Bloom’s chart.
Again, please nominate a reporter to speak for the group, and please post your thoughts in "Comments" on this post for later review and further discussion here online.

  • Based on technology tools (free or otherwise) which you feel an inspiration to try…and using terminology from the digital taxonomy, create a language lesson you could use today.
  • The lesson should have language goals (of course), but be assisted by technology to enhance the understanding, access, practice of, and application of the language. Innovate the tasks you normally do without a tech tool, but not for the sake of technology alone…keep it real by addressing the Bloom’s flow chart.
Even if you are not an educator, this exercise is very valuable—the end goal is student success, so in order to get there we have to understand the layers needed to innovative teaching. Layers like funding for technology accessories (headsets/micros/software), and for classrooms outfitted with student computers/or laptop carts; tech coordinators knowing what their teachers need or may be trying to do in their classrooms, or even to suggest ideas to your language teachers and be part of the innovations for today's language classrooms.
  • Post your lesson idea in the comments section!


  1. Bloom's orange taxonomy:

  2. Bloom's Orange
