Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pack your bags...we're off to Denver

ISTE 2010 Denver

I am hosting a Birds of a Feather session:  Informal, one-and-a-half hour discussion format providing a special opportunity for like-minded educators to gather and network.

Tuesday, 6/29/2010, 4:45pm–6:15pm

See full event listing here


In large majority, the modern second language learner is also a "digital" native. What is the effect on second language proficiency when we play to our students' strength in technology?  How can we innovate to further the learning and practical use of the L2 (Second Language)?  

This BIRD will focus on sharing best practice in the "wired" language/language arts classroom, but these discussions are cross-curricular.  Let's engage about how applied linguists & language educators at all levels are innovating language instruction with technology. 

Special focus can be ESL/ELL innovations.
